
In 2008 over two million family caregivers will become bereaved. The vast majority of these caregivers have provided 'round-the-clock care for a period ranging from months to years. Bereaved family caregivers report insomnia symptoms that persist beyond 1 year, longer than what is seen in bereaved noncaregivers, placing them at increased risk of depression and complicated grief. Despite some rewarding elements, caregiving is a stressful and exhausting role that often requires the caregiver to restructure his or her life around the needs of the patient. Once the patient dies, the structure is lost. Cognitive behavioral therapy interventions are effective in providing structure. This pilot study explored the feasibility of a two-session home-based cognitive behavioral therapy-insomnia (CBT-I) intervention for bereaved family caregivers. A 5-week longitudinal descriptive study design was used with 11 adult primary family caregivers of patients who died from cancer. A master's prepared nurse delivered two CBT-I intervention sessions in participant homes. Data collection sessions occurred at baseline, 3, and 5 weeks. A debriefing session was held at Week 6. Participant evaluations of the intervention indicated that it was feasible and acceptable (e.g., 100% would recommend it to others); objective data further supported its feasibility (e.g., 100% completed the trial). In addition, when comparing baseline with Weeks 3 and 5, participants demonstrated improvement in insomnia and depressive symptoms. The results of this pilot study suggest that the intervention is feasible and acceptable and produces promising effects on insomnia and depressive symptoms in bereaved family caregivers.

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