
The feasibility of three-dimensional ordering of ion beams in arealistic cooler storage ring was studied using molecular dynamicssimulations. The simulation method was first tested on a simplifiedmodel of a storage ring which did not have any bending element andwhich had a continuous focusing with the same average strength as thatof the final model. This simplified model ring was then made,stepwise, more and more realistic in order to study the bending andfocusing/defocusng effects separately as well as together. The lengthof the cooling section(s) and the cooling strength were varied. It wasfound that 3-D ordering only appeared when an unrealistically strongcooling was applied. A critical cooling strength required forovercoming internal heating effects and achieving a 3-D structure wasderived for the realistic model. Finally a range of working pointswere studied at which stable 3-D ordered structures, prepared byunrealistic cooling, could survive a number ofcirculations.

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