
In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), nodes depend on each other for routing and forwarding packets. Cooperation among nodes is a key issue in such an environment. However, some of the nodes in MANETs may behave selfishly and may not forward packets to save battery and other resources. Since nodes in MANETs communicate on a peer-to-peer basis, without any central authority (which can monitor selfish behavior of nodes), a centralized solution to stimulate cooperation is not suitable. In this paper, we present a distributed solution to judge, punish and re-admit a selfish node, forcing nodes to cooperate with each other. Unlike previous solutions, we focus on the fairness, i.e., to provide the same chance to all nodes to gain services from the network and to offer services to the network. We also consider the location privilege and counting retransmission problems which have not been emphasized in any of the previous solutions. We combine our scheme with AODV. To evaluate the performance of our scheme, we conducted simulations using Glomosim. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves data forwarding capability substantially in presence of selfish nodes.

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