
In order to protect the privacy of individual data, meantime guaranteeing the utility of big data, the privacy preserving data aggregation is widely researched, which is a feasible solution since it not only preserves the statistical feature of the original data, but also masks single user's data. With smart meter owning the capability of connecting to Internet, the aggregation area extends to the virtual area rather than a traditional physical area. However, in a virtual aggregation area, the users’ membership maybe frequently changes, if while executing the aggregation protocol for the traditional area, the overhead is not ignorable. In this paper, the homomorphic encryption and ID-based signature are employed to design a dynamic membership data aggregation (DMDA) scheme, which reduces the complexity on a new user's joining and an old user's quitting. In addition, the operation center obtains the sum of the data in the virtual aggregation area, meantime knows nothing about single user's data. Comparing with traditional privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme, DMDA is more suitable for next-generation smart grid and other Internet of Things environments.

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