
<h3>INTRODUCTION</h3> The disease described by Banti has received fair attention from writers on clinical medicine, but curiously, very little from pathologic anatomists, and rarely from both. As a consequence, the literature on Banti's disease affords a most disjointed impression, and leaves little material on which to base an estimate of the validity of Banti's disease as a nosologic entity. Indeed, in order to form a clear idea as to what Banti's disease is, it is necessary to turn to the articles written by Banti himself. Then we find that one of two things has happened. Either the observer has not taken sufficient pains to find out Banti's own specifications, or he has frankly committed himself to Banti's views, without the slightest, or only faint-hearted, attempts at criticism. Practically the only criticism of Banti's views has come from pathologists and, significantly enough, the general tone of it is one of guarded

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