
Traditional Ayurvedic therapy called padabhyanga involves massaging the foot with warm oil infused with herbs. It is claimed to be a component of the dinacharya (daily Ayurvedic routine) for sustaining good health. The health of the feet and foot care plays a significant role in the body's overall well-being. According to ancient Ayurvedic scriptures, “Diseases do not go near one who massages his feet before sleeping, just as snakes do not approach eagles.” Worsening lifestyle changes and excessive use of screens on computers, TVs, and mobile devices worsen ocular clarity and generate different netra roga. Abhyanga (massage) to the feet makes the feet strong (sthairya) and induces sleep (nidra). According to Charaka and Vagbhata, padabhyanga is described as dristiprasadaka and according to Sushruta chakshushya. The chakshu gets benefits and shows its specific action over the visual pathway. Here, an attempt has been made to review the information on pada abhyanga in the visual pathway.

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