
Educational technology has been widely applied in the English Language Teaching (ELT) in China for a long period of time. Especially since the 1990s with the development of information technology, it has become an indispensable part of ELT in Chinese colleges and universities. This paper attempts to discuss the use of educational technology in ELT through a critical survey of its advantages and potential dangers in both classroom teaching and after-class learning. It argues that, as most widely used in ELT, educational technology can extend and complement the traditional teaching and learning activities, such as motivating students, inspiring teachers, and maximizing the utilization of teaching resources; yet teachers must have a critical consciousness of the dehumanizing effect of technology in ELT, which needs to be counteracted in the humanist sphere of the study of English language and its culture. The alternative to the dilemma of technology vs. humanity lies in the construction of human subjective agency in ELT, which ensures creative interaction in the teaching and learning process.

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