
The current research work is a critical discourse analysis of Donald Trump's Inaugural Address (2017). The researcher has made use of Ruth Wodak’s Discourse Historical Model (2004) to study the inaugural address. Moreover, the current research work is qualitative in its approach and analysis, as it answers the research questions in accordance with Ruth Wodak’s Discourse Historical Model (2004). Furthermore, research design used in this research is both descriptive and explanatory; and, it also contains purposive sampling as a data collection method. Although much CDA research has been already carried out on Trump’s speeches, the current research studies Trump’s speech in the context of history and power using Ruth Wodak’s Discourse Historical Model (2004). The researcher has focused lexical and syntactic items in Trump’s speech. Besides, the researcher has found out that power relations, historical norms, ideological constraints, and American values have played a significant role in the discursive construction of Trump’s Inaugural address (2017). Finally, the current research convincingly achieves its objectives and answers its questions.

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