
Segmentation is a key characteristic of Arthropoda that is linked to the evolutionary success of this lineage. It has previously been shown in both vertebrates and short germ insects that posterior segmentation requires canonical Wnt (cWnt) signaling, which maintains the expression of Caudal and the posterior growth zone; disruption of cWnt signaling incurs posterior truncations in these lineages due to the loss of the tail bud. However, comparable datasets for Wnt signaling are limited outside of holometabolous insects, due to incomparable phenotypic spectra and inefficacy of gene misexpression methods in certain model species. We applied RNA interference (RNAi) against the Wnt co-receptor arrow (arr), a key member of the cWnt signaling pathway in holometabolous insects and vertebrates, to examine posterior axis elongation of the cobweb spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum (short germ embryogenesis; one Wnt8 homolog), the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (intermediate germ; one Wnt8 homolog), and the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus (short germ; two Wnt8 homologs). Knockdown of arr in insects resulted in posterior truncations affecting the gnathos through the abdomen in O. fasciatus, whereas posterior truncations only affected the T3 segment through the abdomen in G. bimaculatus. Spider embryos with disrupted arr expression exhibited defects along the entire axis, including segmentation defects throughout the germband. RNA-Seq-based differential gene expression analysis of severe Ptep-arr loss-of-function phenotypes at two developmental stages was used to confirm that knockdown of Ptep-arr results in systemic disruption of the Wnt pathway. Intriguingly, we found that knockdown of arr did not abrogate Wnt8 expression in any of the three species, with cad expression additionally retained in severe loss-of-function phenotypes in the cricket and the spider. Together with data from a holometabolous insect, our results suggest that cWnt signaling is not required for maintenance of Wnt8 expression across Arthropoda. These outcomes underscore the diagnostic power of differential gene expression analyses in characterizing catastrophic phenotypes in emerging model species.

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