
Multiple nations are now in the process of launching 5G mobile networks. All of the telecoms industry has been revolutionized by the concept of 5G networks. Since late 2018, researchers and telecom players have been actively exploring the potential of 6G as a successor to 5G. It is anticipated that the 6G generation would have even more severe performance criteria than the 5G generation had. New sophisticated technologies and paradigms must be included into 6G network designs and procedures to satisfy the requirements and standards of the sixth generation. As a result, several publications and studies covering the relevant technologies, techniques, algorithms, and architectures have appeared in the recent few years. The current paper fills a gap in the literature by offering informative recommendations for further study of 6G networks. Connectivity targets within 6G are outlined, and the study explains the wireless progression toward 6G networks. The technologies are outlined, as are the obstacles that must be surmounted. This chapter also provides a thorough and up-to-date overview of the state of the art. Additionally, multiple classifications of 6G capabilities and techniques are provided, with an emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each process. In order to accelerate the advancement of 6G technologies and fulfill their needs, we also identify open problems and potential future possibilities.

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