
Fabrics made from friction spun fillings (friction fabrics) had a hand that was judged to be equivalent to fabrics made from ring spun fillings of the same count (ring fabrics). Fabrics with rotor spun fillings (rotor fabrics) had a hand that was harsher than either of the others. The friction spun fillings only had a tenacity of about 57% of ring yarns. Plain weave friction fabrics had a tenacity in the filling direction of about 70% of ring fabrics and 66% for twill weave fabrics. The tear strength was 63% of the ring fabric. Warps were common in each set, but the substitution of one filling by another type altered the fabric performance in the warp direction even though the filling yarn count was unchanged. The topography of the fabric surface was changed by the substitution. Harmonic analysis of surface roughness data showed the effects to be considerable. Fabric bending stiffnesses changed by altering the fabric and yarn structures, but the two methods of measurement did not give identical assessments of these differences. Fabric shear and hysteresis losses suggest that friction fabric might tend to “bag.”

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