
Pitifully little remains of the once extensive forests of white pine, Pinus strobus L., and hemlock, Tsuga. canadensis (L.) Carr., that once made northern Pennsylvania famous as a lumbering region. Virgin stands that contain pine are extremely rare. Two of the most extensive, of incalculable value, are now in public ownership. Because both have been referred to as illustrations of the original forests of the Allegheny Plateau, a comparison of their composition and development is of interest. Hearts Content, an area of 121 acres, is located in southern Warren County, and is part of the Allegheny National Forest. Cook State Forest Park,2 a 6,000-acre tract of which 150 acres approach a virgin condition (Illick, '30), is situated in northeastern Clarion County and southwestern Forest County,3 some 20 miles south of Hearts Content. It is owned and administered by the state of Pennsylvania (fig. 1).

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