
This paper is a report of results obtained from a study of the softening points of pyrometric cones as made in England, France, Germany, and America. The results are briefly discussed and are also shown photographically so that interested readers can best obtain the specific information they desire from a study of these photographs. The data obtained further indicate that the temperature at which the cones most used in the trade (Nos. 1 to 20) soften can be determined with an accuracy of ±15°C in laboratory kilns of the gas-fired type, provided good pyrometric equipment is used and reasonable precautions are taken to maintain definite rates of heating. Errors of as much as ±25° can be expected in the determination of temperatures at which cones less refractory than No. 1 or more refractory than No. 20 soften. In the case of more refractory cones this is due principally to the difficulty of maintaining definite rates of heating while, in the case of the less refractory cones Nos. 022 to 01 inclusive, inaccuracies can be attributed both to difficulty of maintaining definite heating rates and to the sensitiveness of the softening behavior of the cones to furnace atmospheres. This is particularly true of the “red series” (cones 010 to 01) the softening points of which are materially affected by changes of a few per cent in the CO2 and SO2 content of furnace gases.

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