
Abstract Communities dominated by species of cushion plants are widespread in the alpine and subalpine zones ofNew Zealand and Tasmania. In New Zealand this vegetation type contains six major associations. These are described as alpine herbmoor, cushion bog, high alpine cushion moor, alpinc cushion herbfield, and rock and river shingle cushion communities, their distributions being closely related to particular geomorphic environments. In Tasmania there are four major associations. These are described as AbrotancHa cushion heath, high mountain cushion heath, mosaic cushion heath, and Donatia cushion heath, their distributions being most closely related to altitude, precipitation, and rock type. Ofthe six New Zealand cushion associations, herbmoor and cushion bog have the highest proportion ofspecies also occurring in Tasmania. The differences between Tasmanian and New Zealand cushion associations largely result from differences in topography. Tasmania lacks the rock and river shingle environments, complet...

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