
Background/Objectives: The kettle bell exercise is effective in improving the strength and physical strength of the whole body as a popular exercise for modern people. The purpose of this study was to compare the muscle activity of Biceps femoris, Vastus medialis oblique, Erector spine and Anterior deltoid depending on shoulder joint flexion angle when conducting kettle bell swing.Method/Statistical Analysis: The kettle bell exercise is effective in improving the strength and physical strength of the whole body as a popular exercise for modern people. The purpose of this study was to compare the muscle activity of Biceps femoris, Vastus medialis oblique, Erector spine and Anterior deltoid depending on shoulder joint A total of 30 healthy men and women who agreed to participate in the study were the subjects. All of the kettle bell swing starting positions were conducting with flexion knee about 50° and the whole body. The shoulder flexion angle was set 90°, 140°, 180° and the end position was the same as the starting position. For comparison of the muscle activity depending on shoulder joint angle, One-way Repeated ANOVA was used and Bonferroni method for post-test.Findings: Biceps femoris showed significant differences at all degrees(P .05). There was no significant difference in the spinal erector muscle (p>.05).Improvements/Applications: Therefore the muscle activity degree for each muscle was clearly different depending on the shoulder angle.

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