
Many organizations face the challenge of having employees with low sense of job belonging. The aim of this study was to compare employee’s belongingness models with emphasis on human resources in Iranian organizations. The method of research is qualitative comparative using content-oriented analysis approach. The statistical population includes all models of employee’s job belonging using purposeful sampling method for selection of samples. The method of data collection is documentary and method of data analysis was deductive content analysis. Findings show that the highest degree of similarity among employee’s job belongingness models is on emotional belonging, work quality, possibility of progressiveness and reward and benefits components. Also, out of the 14 selected models, about one third emphasize on role of effective leadership, customer orientation, and productivity dimensions to increase employee’s job belonging. Another finding of the study is lack of attention of all models to the role of components such as social and organizational cultures. According to the research findings, it is suggested to human resources policymakers in governmental and non-governmental organizations of Iran to pay more attention to components such as role of social culture and organizational culture to design a new model for their organizations.

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