
Study Objective: To compare desflurane with isoflurane in several anesthetic situations. Design: Incubating conditions, hemodynamic response to intubation., maintenance hemodynamics, and speed of recovery from desflurane and isoflurane anesthesia were evaluated. In addition, interaction with a muscle relaxant at low and high concentrations of the anesthetics were compared. Setting: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Patients: Thirty-two patients who received general anesthesia for lengthly, mostly orthopedic procedures. Interventions: Immediately after induction with thiopental sodium, desflurane or isoflurane in nitrous oxide-oxygen was administered via face mask. Anesthesia was deepened until end-tidal concentration reached 1.7 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC). The trachea was intubated without the aid of a muscle relaxant. Heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were recorded before and at 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10 minutes after intubation. Noninvasive cardiac output (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) were determined while the patient was awake, immediately before intubation, and at 5 and 10 minutes after intubation. Following intubation, the concentration of desflurane or isof lurane was lowered until the end-tidal concentration. reached 0.65 MAC (low-MAC group), 1.25 MAC (high-MAC group), or 0 MAC (control group), Pancuronium bromide in 0.005 mglkg doses was administered incrementally until T 1 (first twitch of train-of-four) was depressed more than 90%. ED 50 and ED 95 for pancuronium with balanced anesthesia and for desflurane or isoflurane in low and high MACS, as well as speed of recovery, were determined. The time to responsiveness and awakening also was determined. Measurements and Main Results: There was no significant difference between desflurane and isoflurane in incubating conditions or in BP or HR response to tracheal intubation. Both anesthetics increased HR significantly during induction. BP rose with desflurane at the preintubation point; other points showed no difference. A hyperdynainic response of increased HR and BP above 20% o f baseline values was seen more frequently with desflurane ( n = 7) than with isoflurane ( n = 1). CO was elevated at all times after induction for low and high concentrations of both drugs, while SVR decreased over the same time with no significant difference between drugs. ED 50 and ED 95 for Pancuronium were similar under desf lurane and isof lurane at both low and high MAC, but they were significantly lower than under balanced anesthesia. Awakening times were similar for desflurane and isoflurane. Conclusions: Desflurane is similar to isof lurane in providing anesthesia for intubation and maintenance. Desflurane tends to increase HR and occasionally causes a hyper-dynamic response during rapid deepening of anesthesia. It is very similar to isoflurane in its interaction with pancuronium.

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