
Despite of so many unique and natural beauties the North-eastern region of India is still place of least visited in India. Though the Government of India has been providing the financial assistance for development of tourist Infrastructure and promotion and marketing, the performances and development of the tourism in states is totally different. In this context, the present paper examines the tourism in North-eastern states of India. Major findings are the inflows of tourists are higher in Assam state and lower in Nagaland. Tourism sectors share in Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) is high in Assam. As for the growth rate of tourists' influx is concerned, the growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh is much higher with 55 percent compared to other states. Further, the Density of Tourist Population (DTP) and The Percapita Tourist arrival (PCT) is high in Sikkim with 101.57 and 1.19 respectively and lowest in Nagaland with 1.35 and 0.01. The major constraints of North-east tourism development and uneven performance among states are insufficient funds, lack of infrastructure, transportation, lack of alternatives means of transport, Marketing, boundary issues, terror effect and permit period. Steps should be taken to wipe-out the constraints for tourism development.

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