
Masticatory efficiency is always compromised in complete denture patients. The denture teeth with compromised occlusal anatomy and material further compound the inherent limitations of complete dentures. To compare the masticatory efficiency of patients with complete denture using acrylic and metal occlusal posterior teeth. Ten edentulous patients with well-formed ridges were selected. Complete dentures using acrylic and metal occlusal posterior teeth were fabricated. The masticatory efficiency was calculated using photo colorimeter. Complete dentures with 20° acrylic resin posterior teeth were fabricated for ten edentulous patients and masticatory efficiency was measured using raw beetroot as test food on a photocolorimeter after 10, 15, 20 strokes. The acrylic resin posterior teeth were replaced with metal occlusal posterior teeth on the same denture base. The masticatory efficiency was measured by the same method. The mean average percentage of masticatory efficiency with acrylic resin teeth and metal occlusal teeth were first calculated and statistical analysis was done using students unpaired t test. The average masticatory efficiency with acrylic teeth was 46.46% and metal occlusal teeth was 65.62, 't'=5.38. The difference between the mean average masticatory performance percentage with acrylic teeth and metal occlusal teeth was significant at 1% i.e. P<0.01. Within the limitation of this study the average percentage value of masticatory efficiency improves considerably when metal occlusal teeth replace normal acrylic teeth without any alteration in position or relation.

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