
Batching of concrete is generally the proportioning of the different constituents of concrete before mixing which could be by weight or volume. Mix-design justified by trial test is the best method to achieve a concrete of desired properties. Standardized prescribed concrete (SPC) mix-design is mostly adopted in mass concreting to high strength concreting applications in most developing nations. British standards accept volume batching for SPC only in mass concrete (<15 MPa) but batching by weight for normal and higher strength concrete. Structural concrete like in storey buildings requires at least a normal strength concrete (>20 MPa) recommended to be batched by weight. Designs batched by volume have been identified as the most commonly used method in concrete production in Nigeria and most developing nations, especially by medium to small scale construction firms due to the very high cost of employing batching plants. This research work developed a modified volumetric batch mix-design that will be equivalent to SPC design mix batched by weight in normal and higher strength concrete. The physical properties of the constituent concrete materials, fine aggregate, 12 and 19 mm sized coarse aggregates were determined. The strength of SPC mix of ST2, ST4, and ST5 to British standard were determined when batched by weight and their volume equivalents mix-design batch determined. The strengths of these SPC mixes were batched by volume and their weight equivalent batch-design determined. A relationship was determined between both batching mixdesign methods for all the prescribed mixes and strengths using the binder-aggregate and coarsefine aggregate ratios, such that the preferred weight batching design mix could be achieved by a modified mix-design batched by volume. This study concludes that concrete mix-design batched by weight is superior to when batched by volume and the desired design batching by weight could be achieved by generating a modified mix-design-batch by volume. This will improve the quality of concrete storey buildings in most developing nations.

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