
Since its listing in 1992, Horton Company has enjoyed enviable advantages and opportunities, including a wide audience reach, clear development direction, and a strong market presence. The company's senior management's visionary leadership has steered it away from bankruptcy, leading to increased net profits. However, amidst these successes, there are inherent high-risk factors, such as the development of consortium houses and reliance on outsourcing for production, which may lead to potential pitfalls. This paper examines Horton Company's current standing and proposes strategic measures to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities. Despite these achievements, Horton Company faces inherent high-risk factors, such as the development of consortium houses and reliance on outsourcing for production, which may pose potential pitfalls. Recommendations include diversifying inventory to reduce exposure to market fluctuations, launching targeted promotional activities to stimulate demand, and conducting localized market research to tailor offerings to local preferences. By implementing these strategies, Horton Company can navigate uncertainties, leverage its strengths, and ensure sustainable growth in the dynamic real estate industry.

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