
Pica is defined as a feeding and eating disorder where there is consumption of nonnutritive substances not consistent with cultural practices or social norms. Its aetiology is still unknown, as its prevalence and optimal treatment, which seem to vary with patients' characteristics and the specific behaviours involved. The authors present a case report of pica treated with copper supplementation, with further diagnostic and treatment considerations. Clinical records and interviews were used. A review was conducted using PubMed database. A 59-year-old patient, diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, presented with sideroblastic anaemia secondary to zinc-induced copper deficiency in the context of pica. These behaviours ceased with copper supplementation. After 2-year remission, the patient was discontinued on oral copper. One week after, pica behaviours reoccurred, with further remission with renewed copper treatment. Based on temporal relationship, we propose that there might be an association between copper supplementation and pica, not related to its plasma levels. As far as we know, this is the first case report in the literature with such a long-term follow-up of pica treatment. Our findings challenge the cause-effect relation between micronutrient deficiency and pica and prompts further research in the non-adaptive theories of this poorly understood clinical entity.

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