
At present, many chronic recurrent airway disorders are increasingly seen all over the global population. Ayurveda has described one of such disorder as Tamaka Shwasa. The parallel in western medicine to this disorder i.e. Bronchial Asthma calls the attention of Medical world due to significant burden in terms of health care costs as well as lost productivity and reduced participation in family life. The disease, Tamaka Shwasa is characterized by paroxysmal attacks of breathlessness, cough, coryza, chest tightness, rapid respiration, distress due to inability to expectorate and prolonged expiration. In this clinical study 30 diagnosed patient of Tamaka Shwasa was registered and given Shrungyaadi Shaarkar. The outcomes were assessed by WHO Ayurveda symptoms scorring. The outcome of the treatment after giving Shrungyaadi Shaarkar for 8 weeks was observed to be significant in the parameters of kasa, shwasa, shasabdashwasa, kaphanisthivanam, PEFR, Respiratory Rate , Breath sound, Heart Rate, Total count, ESR, and Absolute Eosinophil count. The effect of Shrungyaadi shaarkar in Tamaka Shwasa given significant result due to Ushna,Tikshana, Bhedana, lekhana as well as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, Bronchodilator property of all the ingredients which may help to prevent and reverse the pathogenesis. The study confirms that Shrungyaadi Shaarkar which was selected for the study is effective in treating the Tamala Shwasa.

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