
Abstract Objectives NHLBI announced that anemia is one of the most common blood disorders, which affects more than 3 million Americans, while the Global Burden of Disease 2016 reported that anemia affects 1.93 billion people worldwide. Anemia is associated with chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders. Hemorrhagic anemia results in substantial loss of blood with significant alterations in all blood parameters, including reduced iron. Another type of anemia is chronic anemia syndrome, which is a comprised of disorders in conjunction with chronic inflammation induced by an escalated anaerobic/acidic environment inducing a defensive expenditure of alkalinizing buffers in hemoglobin (i.e., histidine), to prevent a dangerous lowering of blood pH. Subsequently, iron is cleaved from heme groups, and transferred out of blood circulation into other organs, like the liver, appearing to be IDA, where excessive accumulation can lead to hemochromatosis, aka ‘iron overload anemia’. An orally consumed liquid iron-free VMP35 Multi-nutrient complex exhibited to restore iron-dependent hemoglobin to RBCs. Methods A randomized controlled one-way cross-over clinical investigation was conducted in 38 subjects (age: 12–82) to assess the rate of absorption and effects on blood following administration of a VMP35, a non-iron containing liquid nutraceutical supplement. After taking a baseline blood sample at 0 min, subjects consumed and held in the mouth for 30 seconds, either placebo or VMP35 (30 ml) after which blood was taken at 5 min and/or 30 min. Changes in peripheral blood smears were evaluated using live blood cell imaging with phase contrast microscopy. Furthermore, three case studies were conducted. Results VMP35 caused remarkable changes in the blood including morphological, hematological (including restoration of hemoglobin) and rheological changes following 5 min of administration, which sustained for at least 30 min. Results of the three case studies were very encouraging. Conclusions VMP35 restored the blood properties including restoring iron-dependent hemoglobin and potential benefits for subjects with compromised digestive systems without any adverse events. Three case studies provided strong confirmation of these therapeutic benefits to promote hematological integrity and rheology. Funding Sources VNI Inc, Lederach, PA, funded this study.

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