
In this paper, two assistive projects on the spatial cognition by blind and visually impaired (B&VI) people are presented using the sound patterns and ultrasonic sensing. The first device supports the sport activities of B&VI, the golf game specifically. Every golf flagstick has the sound marking device with the active buzzer and WiFi remote control by the person with good vision. The NodeMcu Lua ESP8266 ESP-12 WiFi boards in devices are controlled by the cross-platform HTML web-sites, and hence any WiFi smartphone and / or computer can be in use to start the HTML web-page. Mini portable WiFi router links all devices in the network. End-users are securely connected using the password to wireless router. Ten assistive devices were handed in Instituto para Ciegos y Débiles Visuales “Ezequiel Hernández Romo” together with WiFi router. The second device supports the orientation of B&VI by measuring the distance to the obstacle based on the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino Uno. The distance is pronounced to the B&VI using headphone and MP3 player with SD card. Nowadays, Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosí is negotiating with several organizations to create a production line. All devices are of the budget price up to USD 10. All devices were tested successfully. This is joint work of Instituto para Ciegos y Débiles Visuales “Ezequiel Hernández Romo”, Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosí, and Tecnológico de Monterrey with ongoing project “Artificial Eyes” based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B board with an ultrasonic sensor and camera for the image and/or video processing of the surrounding environment, as well as the friendly integration into the local networks using onboard WiFi and Bluetooth.

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