
We present a case of 29-year-old female with chief complaint of amenorrhea since 2-months and pain abdomen for 15 days There was a sudden worsening in the condition of patient as Hb of patient fell from 9.6 g/dl to 6 g/dl and ascites of the patient increased. Hence, the patient was decided for exploratory laparotomy after giving 2 blood transfusions. On opening the abdomen, there was about 3 liter of ascitic fluid which was hemorrhagic. Caking of omentum with dense adhesions of omentum with uterus and ascending and transverse colon was present. Grossly tumor was smooth surfaced with no superficial vessels over it. There were multiple papillary excrescences seen on the surface of tumor. Left tube could not be visualized due to large ovarian mass right tube and ovary was normal. TAH with BSO with total omentectomy was done. Three units of fresh frozen plasma and three units of whole blood were given during surgery. On histopathology examination, it was confirmed as yolk sac tumour. Conclusion: There should be further discussion regarding the management of advanced yolk sac tumours in pregnancy Keywords: Yolk Sac Tumour, Pregnancy, Amenorrhea.

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