
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a type of diffuse interstitial lung disease that primarily affects the small conducting airways and characterized by the presence of granulation tissue plugs within the lumen of small airways often extending into alveolar ducts. It is associated with a number of different causes, including a variety of infections, fume exposures, drugs, collagen diseases and idiopathic. Recently we have experienced one patient with idiopathic BOOP. The patient was a 58 year old man presented with 2 months' history of dry cough and exertional dyspnea. The phyical examination showed inspiratory crackles at both lower lung field. Chest X-ray showed bilateral multiple patchy alveolar density. Pulmonary function studies showed a moderate degree of restrictive lung disease. Open lung biopsy carried out and revealed findings characteristic of BOOP. There was a dramatic response clinically and radiologically to high dose predinisolone therapy. Chest X-ray and pulmonary function test under-taken one year later showed marked improvement. New lesion on chest PA was developed during the period of tapering of prednisolone dose, but it was soon disappeared after increasing of prednisolone dose. One year later, he is well without steroid therapy.

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