
Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 5 (del(5q)) are common cytogenetic alterations in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a disease characterized by refractory anemia, megakaryocyte dysplasia, and thrombocytosis. The thalidomide analogue lenalidomide (LEN) produces durable erythroid responses in ~60% of del(5q) MDS patients, including a majority of cytogenetic responses in which the del(5q) clone becomes undetectable in the bone marrow. Despite high response rates, clinical and cytogenetic relapse occur within 2-3 years. Mechanisms of clinical response, resistance and relapse with LEN therapy remain to be elucidated. The target of LEN has recently been identified as the cereblon (CRBN) component of the cullin 4 RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex (CRL4-CRBN). Upon LEN binding, the substrate-specificity of the CRL4-CRBN complex is altered, and LEN-regulated substrates are beginning to be identified.An RNA interference screen was performed to identify genes/pathways that mediate LEN sensitivity and resistance in del(5q) MDS. The LEN-sensitive del(5q) MDS patient-derived cell line MDSL was screened with a genome-wide shRNA library (SBI GeneNet Human 50K Library) in the presence and absence of LEN treatment (0 and 10 μM) for 7 days. Three independent shRNAs targeting the proton-sensing G protein-coupled receptor 1 (GPR68 or OGR1) were among the most enriched shRNAs in LEN-treated cells, suggesting that loss of GPR68 expression conferred resistance to LEN. This finding was validated in MDSL cells, using an independent set of shRNAs. Conversely, a GPR68 agonist (N-cyclopropoyl-5-[thiophen-2-yl]-isoxazole-3-carboxamid) enhanced LEN-induced cytotoxicity to MDSL cells. GPR68 is a proton-sensing G-protein coupled receptor that stimulates inositol phosphate production and/or intracellular calcium (Ca2+) mobilization. Curiously, CRBN was originally identified as a binding protein of calcium-activated potassium channels. These data led us to hypothesize that Ca2+ signaling may be responsible for LEN-mediated cytotoxic effect in MDS cells. Reducing intracellular Ca2+ level with chelators reversed LEN’s cytotoxic effects, while increasing intracellular Ca2+ level with ionomycin enhanced LEN’s cytotoxic effect, indicating that intracellular Ca2+ levels determine cellular responsiveness to LEN. Although LEN did not induce an instant burst of Ca2+ influx, a gradual increase of basal intracellular free Ca2+ was observed following LEN treatment in LEN-sensitive cell lines and primary MDS marrow cells, but not in LEN-resistant cells, suggesting that LEN cytotoxicity was dependent on the cell’s ability to release Ca2+ from intracellular stores. GPR68 and CRBN were both necessary for the LEN-induced increase in Ca2+, as knockdown of GPR68 or CRBN in LEN-sensitive cells prevented the Ca2+increase.To identify the Ca2+-dependent signaling pathway responsible for mediating the cytotoxic effect of LEN, a panel of seven inhibitors that blocked mitochondrial/caspase-, calpain-, autophagy-, or lysosomal-dependent cell death pathways was tested in combination with LEN on MDSL cells. Only the inhibitor of calpains (PD150606) prevented LEN-induced cytotoxic effects in MDSL cells, indicating that calpain activation was necessary for mediating cell death in LEN-treated cells. Calpains are Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteases that can induce apoptotic and necrotic cell death by proteolytic cleavage of protein substrates. Calpastatin, the only endogenous calpain inhibitor, is localized to 5q15 and its expression is haploinsufficient in del(5q) MDS as compared to normal karyotype MDS. Taken together, our results show that LEN increased intracellular Ca2+ levels by a CRBN- and GPR68-dependent mechanism, leading to calpain-mediated cytotoxicity in del(5q) MDS cells. We propose a model in which haploinsufficient expression of calpastatin in del(5q) MDS sensitizes cells to cytotoxic effects of LEN. Further studies are required to identify the direct LEN-modulated substrates of CRBN that mediate this effect. DisclosuresOliva:Novartis: Consultancy, Speakers Bureau; Celgene: Consultancy, Honoraria. MacBeth:Celgene: Employment, Equity Ownership. Starczynowski:Celgene: Research Funding.

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