
We have mapped 11 dense cores in the Taurus molecular cloud in the C(18)O J = 2 goes to 1 line at a linear resolution of 0.02 pc. The core masses derived from C(18)O range from 0.06 to 5 solar mass. Five of them have embedded infrared sources, and six do not. Dense cores without infrared sources show multiple emission peaks. In contrast, dense cores with infrared sources have a single peak and smaller sizes. The cores with infrared sources have line widths that are 2-3 times the value expected from correlations found in previous surveys. This enhancement may be accounted for by models of gravitational collapse. The data are consistent with the idea that dense cores evolve first toward smaller sizes and smaller line width along the line width-size relation, and then toward larger line width and constant or smaller sizes as an infrared source becomes observable. A good collapse candidate, L1527, is identified based on the shapes of C(18)O and H2CO lines.

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