
Abstract A blotter-type electrolytic model was utilized to prepare flow diagrams for a field test of the in-situ combustion process. It is pointed out that the areal sweep of a combustion pattern is similar to sweep patterns that would be developed at an infinite mobility ratio, which exists (approximately) across a combustion front because of the complete removal of liquids from the sand behind it. The precision of the blotter method was tested by comparison with results obtained by other techniques and was found to be satisfactory. The blotter-type model will not furnish as much information as more elaborate and expensive potentiometric models, but its speed of operation and ease of construction make it a highly satisfactory tool to determine areal sweep patterns. A tabulation of sweep efficiency and mobility ratio is furnished for various well geometries. Introduction In connection with the first field experiment with the in-situ combustion method of oil recovery: flow diagrams for the unique well geometry and boundary conditions involved in the subject test were developed. From these diagrams, information concerning the areal sweep and distribution of flow was obtained. A survey of the literature on potentiometric models, utilized to solve two-dimensional flow problems, indicated that the' information desired could be obtained by means of a blotter-type model by making certain modifications in the technique. The following discussion describes the application of the modified blotter-type electrolytic model to the solution of the problem of the flow of gases in an oil reservoir for an engineering appraisal of the progress of the combustion front during the first field experiment. Theory Considerable information has been published on the theoretical aspects of electrical model techniques. One author stated that: "The models are based on the observation that since the velocity of an ion in an electrolytic system is proportional to the potential gradient, just as the velocity of a fluid particle in a porous medium is proportional to the pressure gradient, the paths of the ions in the electrolytic systems must be similar to those of the fluid particles in a porous medium with the same geometry and equivalent boundary conditions." This suggestion of a real analogy has been established repeatedly by comparisons of analytic derivations with model results.

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