
In April 2022, Marine Le Pen passed for the second consecutive time to the second round of the presidential elections against the incumbent president Emmanuel Macron. Twenty years early on, her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, caused a political earthquake at the European level after attaining a similar presence in the second round of the presidential ballot. In comparison to the 17.8 per cent of the vote obtained by Le Pen in the second round, Marine’s electoral support in 2022 more than doubled this figure, as she collected 41.45 per cent of the popular vote in 2022. This trend demonstrated an impressive growth of electoral support of the French far right, which was the party family with most electoral support at the presidential ballot. This research will review the Front National development under Le Pen’s leadership, as well the electoral ascension and political programme of Marine that led to the rebranding of the party into Rassemblement National.

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