
Maximum mixing in atmospheric neutrino oscillation, as well as vanishing of the MNS matrix element U e3 , are consequences of a 2-3 symmetry, under which the neutrino mass matrix is invariant under the interchange of second and third generation neutrinos. These predictions of the 2-3 symmetry are consistent with the results of Super-Kamiokande, K2K, and CHOOZ experiments. If the symmetry is exact at a high-energy scale set by right-handed neutrinos, a deviation from these predictions generated by renormalization-group corrections will occur at experimental energies. With an MSSM dynamics, the result can be made to agree with a global fit of the neutrino data, if normal hierarchy is assumed on the neutrino mass spectrum and if the mass of the electron-neutrino is at least about 0.025 eV. The presence of this mass lower bound is a novel and interesting feature of the symmetry that can be falsified by future experiments. Of the three viable solar neutrino solutions, only LMA gives a sizable MNS matrix element U e3 that can hopefully be detected in future reactor experiments. Inverted neutrino mass hierarchy is not permitted by this symmetry.

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