
The d4PDF-WaveHs dataset represents the first single model initial-condition large ensemble of historical significant ocean wave height (Hs) at a global scale. It was produced using an advanced statistical model with predictors derived from Japan’s d4PDF ensemble of historical simulations of sea level pressure. d4PDF-WaveHs provides 100 realizations of Hs for the period 1951–2010 (hence 6,000 years of data) on a 1° × 1° lat.-long. grid. Technical comparison of model skill against modern reanalysis and other historical wave datasets was undertaken at global and regional scales. d4PDF-WaveHs provides unique data to understand better the poorly known role of internal climate variability in ocean wave climate, which can be used to estimate better trend signals. It also provides a better sampling of extreme events. Overall, this is crucial to properly assess wave-driven impacts, such as extreme sea levels on low-lying populated coastal areas. This dataset may be of interest to a variety of researchers, engineers and stakeholders in the fields of climate science, oceanography, coastal management, offshore engineering, and energy resource development.

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