
中风(Stroke)也叫脑卒中。中风是中医学对急性脑血管疾病的统称。它是以猝然昏倒,不省人事,伴发口角歪斜、语言不利而出现半身不遂为主要症状的一类脑血液循环障碍性疾病。大多数中风的患者都会留下失语、偏瘫等后遗症。本研究选取我院患有中风后失语的患者进行早期的干预,通过相关的功能恢复及锻炼,使患者在语言恢复方面良好。康复治疗的成功或失败,患者的康复欲望占大部分决定性因素。因此,在康复训练时,首先要对患者的心理进行疏导,使患者树立能够战胜疾病、重新恢复健康的信心。其次在对患者进行语言恢复的康复训练时,应根据患者的性格特点、教育程度、文化水平等因素因材施教,比较有针对性地对其进行心理康复,以获取患者的信任和配合,从而可以更好地达到康复训练的目的。 Stroke is also called cerebral apoplexy. Stroke is a general term for acute cerebral vascular disease in Chinese medicine. It is of a kind of cerebral blood circulation disorders with sudden fainting, unconscious, accompanied by the main symptoms of the mouth skew, the language negative and the hemiplegia. Most stroke victims leave behind sequelae such as aphasia and hemiplegia. In this study, patients with aphasia suffered from apoplexy were selected to perform early intervention, and the patients were able to recover and exercise well. The patient's recovery desire accounts for most of the decisive factors in the success or failure of rehabilitation treatment. Therefore, in rehabilitation training, first of all, the patient's psychology should be channeled, so that the patient can build up the confidence to overcome the disease and restore health. Second, in the recovery of patients with language rehabilitation training, nurses should carry out a targeted treatment for psychological rehabilitation according to patients' personality characteristics, education level, cultural level and other factors, in order to get the patient's trust and cooperation, therefore, it can achieve the rehabilitation much better.

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