
Recent structural, petrological and geochronological work on plutons in eastern Borborema Province (NE Brazil) has helped to constrain its tectonic evolution during the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogeny. 645-630 Ma-old plutons have been intensely affected by solid-state deformation. They show an early, shallowly to moderately-dipping foliation conformable with the regional fabric of country rocks, which is overprinted by a steeply-dipping foliation related to strike-slip shearing. Two compositional groups are recognized: (i) medium-K, epidote-bearing granodiorites, and (ii) coarse-grained granites and associated diorites. 590-580 Ma-plutons were emplaced before or at the very early stage of movement along large transcurrent shear zones, and include high-K calc-alkaline plutons and metaluminous syenites. The 590-580 Ma-old plutons underpin the change from a low-angle tectonic event to transpressive deformation. Once emplaced, these plutons in turn favored the localization of strain needed to promote nucleation of the spatially associated shear zones. Finally, two-mica leucogranites and dike swarms of widely varying compositions were emplaced around 570 Ma at the advanced stages of motion along transcurrent shear zones.

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