
A new solid state detector based on 6H-SiC is one of the promising devices in the nuclear industry for high-level radiation applications in a harsh high-temperature environment. SiC is a semi-conductor with a 3.03-eV band gap energy, and known as a radiation-resistance material. SiC detectors were fabricated by using a 6H-SiC wafer. The properties of the 6H-SiC wafer were over a 106 ohm-cm resistivity, a 380 μm thickness, and a (0001)-oriented type. The 6H-SiC detector was prepared by the processes of a dicing, etching, removal of an oxidation layer and a mounting on an alumina substrate. SiC detector was 10×10 mm2 with a 19.6mm2 active area. The circular metal contacts consisted of a Si-face/Ni/Au and a C-face/Ni/Au structure. Thin LiF and B film was coated onto the SiC detector surface for a neutron converter. The electrical current-voltage performances of the detectors were measured by using the Keithley 4200-SCS parameter analyzer with self voltage sources. Neutron responses were measured by using a 252Cf source.

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