
We present a six-dimensional Higgsless Standard Model with a realistic gauge sector. The model uses only the Standard Model gauge group SU(2)L×U(1)Y with the gauge bosons propagating in flat extra dimensions compactified on a rectangle. The electroweak symmetry is broken by boundary conditions, and the correct splitting between the W and Z gauge boson masses can be arranged by suitable choice of the compactification scales. The higher Kaluza–Klein excitations of the gauge bosons decouple from the effective low-energy theory due to dominant brane kinetic terms. The model has the following two key features compared to five-dimensional models. The dimensional couplings in the bulk Lagrangian, responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking using mixed boundary conditions, are of order the electroweak scale. Moreover, with respect to “oblique” corrections, the agreement with the precision electroweak parameters is improved compared to five-dimensional warped or flat space models. We also argue that the calculability of Higgsless models can be ameliorated in more than five dimensions.

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