
Introduction: T1D management, age-related stressors and the COVID-pandemic may impair sleep for young adults with T1D. Disparities in A1c and exposure to life stressors may contribute to poorer sleep among people from minoritized racial/ethnic groups. We aimed to describe sleep, correlations with A1c, and sleep patterns across racial/ethnic groups in young adults with T1D during the pandemic. Methods: Young adults with T1D (n=37, M age=20.2±1.6 yrs, 57% female, M A1c=8.9±2.4%) completed an adapted Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and 1 sleep-related question from a COVID-questionnaire at baseline of a behavioral trial. Results Overall, 41% endorsed worse sleep during the pandemic, which was correlated with poorer sleep quality (r=-.69, p<.001) and shorter sleep duration (r=-.35, p=.04) . Higher A1c was linked with less frequent T1D management-related sleep disruptions (r=-.44, p=.007) . There were no significant differences in sleep variables among racial/ethnic groups. See Table for sleep descriptions for each racial/ethnic group. Conclusions: Young adults with T1D experienced disrupted sleep, worsened by the pandemic. Clinicians should counsel patients about optimizing sleep and overnight diabetes management, especially those with higher A1c. While small sizes reduced power to detect group differences, initial patterns suggest a need for future research examining disparities in sleep for young adults with T1D. Disclosure S.A.Carreon: None. B.Anderson: None. S.Devaraj: None. A.Butler: None. M.E.Hilliard: None. C.G.Minard: None. K.R.Desai: None. W.Levy: None. S.Lyons: None. B.Duran: None. R.Streisand: None. T.S.Tang: None. S.Mckay: None. Funding NIDDK RDK119246 (PI Hilliard) ; NIH/NIDDK Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (3R01DK119246-03S1, PI: Hilliard, Mentee: Carreon)

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