
Abstract Background As population age increases (CSO, 2016), the CAPTAIN project aims to prevent premature or unnecessary transfer to long-term residential care by offering a safe environment where older adults can retain their autonomy, dignity and independence. CAPTAIN (Coach Assistant via Projected and Tangible Interface) will develop a virtual eCoaching assistant to facilitate independence in the home using augmented reality projections, voice and speech recognition, artificial intelligence and a user interface designed by older adults with their peers in mind. Methods Using Design Thinking and participatory research principles, older adults (n=10), caregivers (n=3) and healthcare professionals (HCPs) (n=2) co-create the CAPTAIN system with the research team. Co-creation occurs in cycles. Two co-design cycles use participatory workshops to identify older adults’ needs through discussion of typical older adult ‘personas’, examine how technology can support these needs and translate these outputs into system requirements. Four co-production cycles will evaluate CAPTAIN prototypes (hardware and software) to determine the effectiveness of personalised recommendations, usability and acceptability. The evaluation (involves additional caregivers, HCPs and stakeholder groups) combines observed CAPTAIN use, system-generated data, self-report measures, participatory group workshops and one-to-one interviews. Results Participants found the personas helpful in terms of generating conversation in the co-design sessions. They confidently described older adult needs, suggested where technology could provide useful support, and features they thought CAPTAIN should offer. Requirements across seven thematic areas (health, nutrition, physical and cognitive activity, accessibility, social interaction, education and safety) have now been sent to technical developers. Data from each cycle will continue to inform the development of CAPTAIN until system completion. Conclusion Participant contributions have ensured the continued development of an accessible, easy-to-use assistive technology system that will facilitate independent living and support older adults “…to do the things they want to do, when they want to do them”.

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