
China set its sights on a vision to build “Beautiful China”. Under this premise, China's biodiversity conservation efforts have actively evolved to accommodate the latest developments and demands, sought to always promote and innovate the initiatives dedicated to the cause, never cease to improve biodiversity conservation systems, with a view to fostering the harmonious coexistence, comprehensive development and sustainable prosperity of man and nature. Over 40 schemes pertaining to the development of ecological civilization have been promulgated in succession, which include biodiversity conservation as an essential part of the ecological civilization agenda. The Opinions on Further Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation was issued to steer the course of biodiversity conservation in China going forward. China has repeatedly sought to consolidate the legal foundation for biodiversity protection. More than 30 legislations, including the Wildlife Protection Law, the Environmental Protection Law, the Biosecurity Law and the Yangtze River Protection Law, have been promulgated or amended. And the national catalogue of key protected wild animals and plants has been revised. An eco-civilization development assessment target system has been established, where biodiversity protection-related performance indicators are included in local government assessments to ensure accountability for biodiversity protection. Against the backdrop of global biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, China, acting toward the vision of a “community with a shared future for mankind”, has always prioritized conservation and eco-friendly growth, establishing functioning mechanisms featuring government leadership, nationwide participation, multilateral governance and mutually beneficial partnerships to promote China's biodiversity conservation cause to yield achievements and make new contributions toward dealing with global biodiversity challenges.

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