
the purpose of this study was to examine the predictive power of early sexual experiences as determinants of hyperactive sexuality in depressive mood states among women. This was a descriptive, case series study. We followed a series of 62 women (M age=29.4) who attended our outpatient clinic of Yerevan State Medical University Sexology Clinic for different kind of sexual dysfunctions in partner sex and reported having negative mood. Depressed mood as well as various dimensions of sexual functioning were examined and assessed during clinical interview. Depressed mood was measured also by 39-item Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) interpreting depression severity. FSFI was used to assess female sexual function. Four models of Ordinal logistic regression were run. As dependent variables reflecting hyperactive sexuality two concepts were separated. One is Sexual libido meaning general sexual appetite and the second is Sexual intercourse desire as a more specific behavioral pattern. As independent variables we examined the effect of the following sexual characteristics-subjective arousal, and the age of erotic awakening.

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