
AbstractThe Space Station environment has created unique scenarios for allocation and management of critical technical resources. Integration of resource requirements of a Prime contractor with Product Groups and associated subcontractors, in concert with international agreements with European Space Agency, National Space Development Agency of Japan, Canadian Space Agency, and the Russian Space Agency (RSA) is complicated by the fact that several components of the Space Station design are carry‐overs from a previous version of the program. Costs associated with alterations of those design components prohibit normal resource allocation processes which would assign and control resource utilization from the embryo stage of a program. In order to methodically allocate the technical resources, while assuring adequate margin for nominal programmatic growth in demand against those resources, Space Station has developed resource reserve philosophies based upon the application of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved methodology. The methodology was sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and was published in a paper titled “Guide for Estimating and Budgeting Weight and Power Contingencies for Spacecraft Systems.” The application procedures were adjusted for application to the diverse types of resources being controlled for the Space Station.

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