
The treatment of high-salinity, high-nitrate wastewater was investigated in a single expanded granular sludge bed reactor. Complete denitrification was achieved when nitrate concentration was as high as 6,000 mg N/L and the salinity of influent reached 11% NaCl at liquid up-flow velocity of 3.0 m/h, hydraulic retention time of, 24 h and the C/N molar ratio of 2.0. Furthermore, 454-pyrosequencing technology was used to analyze archaea bacterial diversity under high salinity and high nitrate conditions. Results showed that the total number of effective sequences was 5749 consisting of 5678 bacterial sequences and 71 archaea sequences after denoising and filtering out chimeras, which could be affiliated to 5 phylogenetic groups, including Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Euryarchaeota, Crenarchaeota and unclassified phylum. Although Proteobacteria was the dominant microbial population, two archaea phylogenetic groups-Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota were observed in this study.

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