
AbstractWe propose a fast method for 3D shape segmentation and labeling via Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Given a set of example shapes with labeled segmentation, we train an ELM classifier and use it to produce initial segmentation for test shapes. Based on the initial segmentation, we compute the final smooth segmentation through a graph‐cut optimization constrained by the super‐face boundaries obtained by over‐segmentation and the active contours computed from ELM segmentation. Experimental results show that our method achieves comparable results against the state‐of‐the‐arts, but reduces the training time by approximately two orders of magnitude, both for face‐level and super‐face‐level, making it scale well for large datasets. Based on such notable improvement, we demonstrate the application of our method for fast online sequential learning for 3D shape segmentation at face level, as well as realtime sequential learning at super‐face level.

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