
The unprecedented growth of the computer and the information technology industry is demanding ULSI circuits with increasing functionality and performance at minimum cost and power dissipation. ULSI circuits are being aggressively scaled to meet this demand. This in turn has introduced some very serious problems for the semiconductor industry. Continuous scaling of ULSI circuits is reducing gate delays but rapidly increasing interconnect (RC) delays. Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) roadmap predicts that, beyond the 130 nm technology node, performance improvement of advanced ULSI is likely to begin to saturate unless a paradigm shift from present IC architecture is introduced. Also, increasing interconnect loading significantly increases the power consumption in high-performance chips. In fact, around 40-70% of the total chip power consumption can be due to the wiring network used for clock distribution, which is usually realized using long global wires. Additionally, interconnect scaling has significant implications for traditional computer-aided-design (CAD) methodologies and tools which are causing the design cycles to increase, thus increasing the time-to-market and the cost per chip function. Furthermore, increasing drive for the integration of disparate signals and technologies is introducing various system-on-a-chip (SoC) design concepts, for which existing planar (2-D) IC design may not be suitable. This chapter analyzes the limitations of the existing interconnect technologies and design methodologies and presents a novel 3-dimensional (3-D) chip design strategy that exploits the vertical dimension to alleviate the interconnect related problems and to facilitate SoC applications. A comprehensive analytical treatment of these 3-D ICs has been presented and it has been shown that by simply dividing a planar chip into separate blocks, each occupying a separate physical level interconnected by short and vertical inter-layer interconnects (VILICs)

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