
The aim of this study was to compare skeletal and dentoalveolar dimensions in subjects with maxillary unilateral impacted palatal canines versus the unaffected contralateral side using CBCT. Skeletal and dentoalveolar variables (Anterior alveolar ridge height, Anterior dentoalveolar height , nasal cavity width, basal nasal width, Lateral angulation of long axis of the incisors and canines with respect to the nasal horizontal plane, premolar to median raphe width, dimensions of lateral incisor and canine, root resorption of lateral incisors, crown-root angulation of lateral incisor, and sector classification of canine) were compared between the impacted and the contralateral sides. As the data had normal distribution, means were compared using students t test. The significance was set at p<0.05. The root resorption in lateral incisor was compared using Chi square test. Lateral angulation of long axis of canines, nasal cavity width, basal lateral width, and premolar to median raphe width were found to be significantly different. Maximum number fell in sector 4 (n = 23, 38.3%) in sector classification. Root resorption of lateral incisor on impacted side was insignificant. Skeletal and dento-alveolar dimensions vary between the impacted and non-impacted sides in unilateral palatal canine impaction cases. Canines on the impacted side were more mesially angulated compared to the non-impacted side. The nasal cavity width, basal lateral width and premolar to median raphe width were significantly less on the impacted side compared to the non- impacted side. Key words:Impacted canine, CBCT, skeletal dimensions, diagnosis, orthodontic treatment.

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