
The three-dimensional structure of the duplex formed by the association of the unnatural oligonucleotide alpha-d(TCTAAACTC) covalently linked to an acridine derivative (m5Acr) with its natural and parallel complementary sequence beta-d(AGATTTGAG) was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and constrained molecular mechanics calculations. All the nonexchangeable and exchangeable resonances were assigned in this duplex. The structure was refined by using interproton distances determined by NOE measurements. The NOE values were converted into distances by using the complete 190 x 190 relaxation matrix. The unnatural duplex Acrm5-alpha-d(TCTAAACTC)-beta-d(AGATTTGAG) forms a parallel right-handed helix with Watson-Crick base pairing; the alpha and beta deoxyriboses adopt a 3'-exo conformation. The acridine moiety was found stacked up the C9-G9 base pair. The structure of the first seven base pairs of this duplex was found similar to that of the duplex alpha-d(TCTAAAC)-beta-d(AGATTTG), which we had already investigated [Lancelot, G., et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 7871-7878]. Since these structures were generated by using experimental NOE values obtained independently on macromolecules whose global correlation time was different (3.8 and 2.2 ns), we conclude that this comparison is a good test of the viability of our method to generate three-dimensional structures of oligonucleotides in solution. Starting from different initial conformations, we show that the NOE constraints allow one to reach the same final restrained conformation, taking into account implicitly the solvent effect.

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