
This study examines possible synergistic effects of lindane and ethanol on inducing liver injury and serum fatty acid derangement in adult male Wistar rats. When administered together, ethanol and lindane-induced even more pronounced increase of alanine aminotransferase (165 ± 10 U/L) and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase activity (10.3 ± 0.6 U/L) than after isolated administration of either substance. In addition, separate administration of lindane and ethanol was followed by a significant decrease of linoleic acid level in the serum (301 ± 38 mg/L, 276 ± 35 mg/L vs. 416 ± 48 mg/L). However, when ethanol administration was followed by lindane injection, serum linoleic acid was at the similar level found in the control group (516 ± 62 mg/L). Ethanol-treated rats that received lindane 30 min after ethanol administration have shown a marked increase of palmitic (421 ± 27 mg/L) and linolic acid level (43 ± 5 mg/L) in comparison with rats that have been treated only with ethanol (316 ± 26 mg/L for palmitic and 32 ± 2 mg/L for linolic acid) or lindane (295 ± 26 mg/L for palmitic and 301 ± 38 mg/L for linolic acid). Linolic acid level was significantly greater in comparison with control group (29 ± 1 mg/L). In conclusion, this study found enough evidence to support the hypothesis that acute ethanol intoxication potentiates lindane-induced liver injury and enhances lipid derangement.

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