
AbstractA sample of 10000 ha of grassland in seven upland districts originally surveyed in 1970–72 was re‐surveyed in 1986. Forty percent of the area was above 240 m elevation, 38% had gradients above 81/2°, 29% had poor or bad drainage and 54% was classified as having difficult or severe limitations to management. Twelve percent had been reseeded within the previous 5 years and 39% within 20 years; 6% was classified as arable grassland (in rotation with crops). Thirty‐four percent was usually mown, two‐thirds of it for silage. In most years 72% of grassland received fertilizer N (average application 123 kg N ha−1) and 35% received organic manure; nearly 20% received neither. Older swards tended to receive lower rates of fertilizer N than reseeds, hay fields and grazed fields less than silage fields, and fields on beef/sheep farms less than those on dairy farms. The proportion of sown species in swards averaged 35%, of which Lolium perenne accounted for 23%. A good contribution of Trifolium repens was recorded in 15% of the grassland. Herb species were recorded in 30% of the grassland, mostly in situations with low fertilizer N under hay or grazing. Agrostis spp., Poa spp., Holcus lanatus and Festuca rubra were the main unsown grasses. The average contribution of L. perenne had increased since 1970–72; it was also present in two‐thirds of the area from which it was absent in 1970–72, whilst the contribution of T. repens had decreased. The incidence of Cirsium arvense and Ranunculus spp. had also decreased, whilst that of Pteridium aquilinum had increased.

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