
Abstract Background and Aims Podocyte dysfunction and loss of quiescence contribute to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and crescentic glomerulonephritis (CGN). Here, we characterized the role of Vasorin (VASN) in podocytes. Method We combined laser capture microdissection and deep RNA sequencing of human glomeruli, RNAscope-based in situ hybridization, immunostaining and mouse models with Vasn-driven fluorescent reporter, targeted Vasn gene deletion in podocytes and cultures of human podocytes. Results VASN mRNA is strongly expressed in healthy human and mouse glomeruli with a podocyte-specific pattern. Both global and podocyte-specific, constitutive or inducible gene deletion of Vasn in mice induced a nephrotic syndrome and kidney failure after day 14, with podocyte dedifferentiation and loss and severe FSGS lesions, indicating a fundamental and non-developmental role of VASN in podocyte homeostasis. Furthermore, we measured markedly decreased VASN expression in podocytes of patients with FSGS and ANCA-associated CGN but not with Minimal Change Disease (MCD) and Membranous Nephropathy (MN). We thus wondered whether VASN abundance could be a disease modifier for glomerulopathies. Mice with podocyte-specific partial heterozygous deletion of Vasn showed no evident baseline renal abnormalities. Still, they showed significantly more podocyte loss, albuminuria and kidney failure than wild-type mice when challenged by type 1 diabetes with glomerular hyperfiltration or CGN experimental models. Human podocytes transduced with lentiviral VASN-targeting shRNA (shVASN) displayed increased focal adhesion dynamics, resistance to oscillating mechanical stretches, enhanced migratory capacity and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers. Moreover, shVASN podocytes had a higher proliferative capacity, increased cell-cycle reentry and a relative S-phase slow-down. Likewise, transcriptomics analysis found the up-regulation of genes involved in cell metabolism, adhesion and EMT and the down-regulation of genes involved in the S to G2/M phase transition. In vivo, we confirmed that VASN deficiency increased podocyte proliferation in situ and urinary shedding. Conclusion These findings highlight the novel role of VASN as an essential master protein that maintains podocyte quiescence and homeostasis during health and kidney diseases while offering a potential new therapeutic target. VASN control mechanisms driving podocyte cell-cycle reentry and detachment and FSGS. Precise mechanisms of VASN functions in podocytes need further insights into VASN molecular partners.

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